Large Balloon Pick with 5-6 Balloons approximately 1"
Much like birds, balloons are symbols of soaring high and being independent! When filled with helium, they must be tied down, or they will simply float away.
This flighty and inevitable nature means that balloons are often seen as symbols of freedom and independence.
Free as a bird is undoubtedly a saying, but free as a balloon is one that could catch on!
The freedom that balloons represent does not just have to be about independence and self-reliance.
Balloons also symbolize freedom from worry or stress!
Think about releasing a balloon into the sky as finally setting down a heavy burden and being free to move forward.
Like holding down the string of a balloon to keep it from flying away, we often hold on to stress that weighs us down. Release that stress, and you will understand why balloons represent freedom.
In connection to finally releasing the stress that keeps you from being free, balloons represent letting go of your sorrow and burdens.
You’ve most likely seen what happens when a child or someone coming home from a fair accidentally lets go of their balloon – it flies away instantly, soaring so high it eventually disappears.
Balloons often represent our fears, concerns, and burdens. By holding the string of the balloon or tying it to your wrist, you chain your worries and fears directly to you.
It is not until you let the balloon go and watch it fly away that you feel some relief; just like letting go of the balloon and watching it fly away, you can let go of the burdens you are carrying.
There is a common ceremony wherein people write their secrets, worries, or fears on a piece of paper and place that paper inside the balloon. The balloons are filled with helium and released, and you get to watch and feel those burdens flying away from you.