WELCOME TO SUZY'S PLAY THERAPY TOYBOX! Many of the miniatures you will find in the store have a definition or description which includes symbolic, metaphor, and possible meanings. This is designed for you, as a therapist, to keep in mind as you listen to your client as they interpret a sand therapy scene. Some of the miniatures are unique, vintage, rare and collectible or difficult to find; some are handmade. I truly hope you enjoy the search for that special miniature or many. And I always include a freebee gift with your order!! FREE SHIPPING on Orders over $50.



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Real Band-aids Laminated to use over again in Sand Therapy. Band-aids used to cover scrapes, burns, and cuts. Beyond its functional purpose, the Band-Aid brand has also left a lasting cultural impact. The term “Band-Aid” has transcended its original meaning to symbolize any quick fix or temporary solution.

The Band-Aid brand’s success went beyond practical applications. The term “Band-Aid” became synonymous with adhesive bandages in general, and it entered the common lexicon as a metaphor for any quick fix or temporary solution. Phrases like “putting a Band-Aid on the problem” are now widely used to describe temporary solutions to larger issues.